Clarity, Perspective, & Hope

If everyone could take some time to dive into a counseling session or two, the world really would be a better place. Counseling isn't just venting our struggles and frustrations, it's also a way for us to know we are ok. Emotions and thoughts can get to be overwhelming or exhausting, they tend to muck up how we want to live. We need someone we can talk freely with, to get a different take on our situation or relationship, or some new ideas. We need an outsider who won't judge us or take what we say the wrong way. Someone to turn down the fire hose of life just a little, and let us catch a breath.

Say what you need to say, without judement, and get some clarity on it.

We all need some relief and rescue.

A couseling session is an unassuming chat, without the distractions, shame, or tiptoeing around people's feelings. Say what you need to say and get some clarity on it. A great counselor helps make sense out of the chaos, and gives you tools to calm the storms that are brewing inside.

Angela Brodine, MS, LPCC - Licensed Therapist

Oh, the comfort, the inexpressible comfort
of feeling safe with a person
having neither to weigh thoughts or measure words
but pouring them all out just as they are,
chaff and grain together,
certain that a faithful hand will take and sift them
keeping what is worth keeping
and with a breath of kindness
blow the rest away.
— Dinah Craik

Grab onto a lifeline

1:1 Counseling Sessions

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Let's Go

Build resilience…

  1. Talk through the pieces that are difficult or don't make sense.

  2. Discover tools to increase awareness and build on your strengths.

  3. Find small changes that will make a big difference.

  4. Get to know yourself, enjoy your growth and your relationships!