
Our sessions will be…

  • Personalized

    Your sessions are tailored to you. What do you need? I'm here for it. We will be checking in & sorting through your current emotions, mindset, & key relationships - solving stressors, and addressing your goals and concerns.

  • At Your Pace

    My clients determine their own schedule frequency. New clients start at once a week for the first month to establish a strong foundation, but after that initial period clients are welcome to choose.

  • Simple

    Clients tell me our sessions feel like a simple chat, even when dealing with deeper issues. What's going on right now? How are you feeling about it? What's on your mind? I create a chill, comfortable, safe space - without judgement - where you can speak freely and get the support you need.

What To Expect

  1. Fill out your info below and I will connect with you via email.

  2. Complete documents in a secure portal - your basic info & what you're wanting to work through.

  3. We'll schedule a day & time to meet.

  4. Use the first session to decide if we are a good fit & ask any questions you have. If you’re game, we'll schedule out sessions for a month to give you helpful tools and increased perspective.

  5. After that month is up, continue sessions at a pace that works best for you.


  • Sessions are 55 minutes.
  • $200 is billed for  clients using insurance. 
  • $145 (cash discount) for clients who pay directly via debit/credit card. 

  • Anxiety  
  • Self Image/Confidence
  • Depression  
  • Managing Stress
  • Trauma/Post Traumatic Stress 
  • Negative Thinking
  • Career & Life Transitions
  • Relationships & Conflicts
  • Grief/Loss

Get Help With

If I don't have the expertise or experience to best help you, I will be happy to refer you to another skilled therapist who does.

We get so concerned with our external kingdoms that we miss the work of becoming the person who can be entrusted with them.
— Morgan Snyder